Planning for Pixies.

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Hooray!Friend. I have finally broken through a culture wall in Oregon! There are several sub-cultures that co-exist in St. John’s, and I want to speak to, and speak about all of St. John’s culture groups. You know, it’s that bridge thing. I would love to add St. John’s large latino population, but alas, I speak little spanish, and even less mariachi.

No, I mean the Pixie Population! The magical ones. Pier Park is full of pixies, their meetings at odd hours: the ring of mushrooms is living proof of their meetings, and their buzz often fills the afternoon air. Their meetings create fabulous> buddhist sand mandalas> of chaos that are meant to be swept away. Pixies love Twitter.

You see, this very day, I woke up to runners in the street. I don’t drive, so it doesn’t bother me, but they had about a half mile fronting Pier Park roped off. A Half Jogette. The Police attended the final moments of the race: the finish was signaled by flashing lights as the cops picked up the cones blocking the street, instead of cheers at the finish line.

The St. John’s definition of “Half Joggette” seems to have been Half Prepared — no permit.

I can imagine the last meeting called by ToadStoolPixie and StoolSecretary Pic and Zee: We arrive in the middle of the ring of mushrooms as soto and voce are texting in front of us.

soto says: @voce I wonder what the magic word is? Remember when they picked “I” ?”
voce says: Do I? Everytime somebody said “I” we buzzed around the garden!
soto says: Cha! I hope it’s that fun again.

Pic: “Will the meeting come to chaos? Please, we adhere strictly toBogart’slures of chaos.” Zee, Do you have anything that will lure this meeting into chaos?”

Zee: “Yes, we have picked the words “permit” and “Animaniac“ as our secret chaos words for this meeting. When any member has the floor, and says anything you think is “Troll Bait“ or even interesting or uses the word “permit,” you must shout out “Animaniac” and fly around the mushroom ring.

Please be careful not to get stuck in any spider webs, as we are not insured against web fatalities. Pixies without wings may climb trees, somersault or change batteries on your mobility devices. Please turn on your cell-phones.”

voce says: Animaniac? That is sooo 1993!
soto says: It’s OK, It’s Old School homage

Pic: “We call on Soto to give us a report on the preparations for the Half Joggette”

Soto: “We have scattered our fliers on the floors of all the Tri-Met buses serving St. John’s, and we need authority for the cost of a street use permit.”

At the exact moment Soto said ‘permit,’ Voce shouted: “Animaniac!!!” and no-one heard anything for a few minutes.

Time passed predictably. The meeting too. Many interruptions and cricket choruses of “Animaniac!”

Pic: “It seems our time for lured chaos is nearly over. Does anyone have something we can agree on?”

Hal2000: “I have no idea what is going on, I’m tired and irritable and we have not accomplished anything.”

Zee: “Hal2000 says he has no idea what is going on — Is that something we can agree upon?”

All: “Yes!”

Pic:”We have consensus! Ok, everybody, till next time: This meeting is now declared Animaniac!”

And with that,Friend, Yakko, Wakko, Dot and I bid you a grand and glorious “Animaniac”

that's all--
