Snow Rummys

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One of my best dumpster diving correspondents on the street has gone missing.  No one has seen Ulysses for about a month, and I am wondering if he is one of those fabled “Snow Rummys,”  You know, bums who can go south for the winter and north for the summer.   He was pretty active, and always had his hand out, along with the same well recited lines.

Southwick did find this out on the Internet:

Join us for a free Webinar to introduce the magic of

Power Begging and the 4 Hour Begging Week System

Hi, this is Ulysses,  I’ve been on the streets for 15 years.  Homeless.  Inner city.  This is the life style that takes you down quick.  Begging, rejection, religion, all bad news.  Few can make it as long as two years.  But I figured out a way to survive on the streets that don’t take you down.  All without compromising your lifestyle - alcohol? no problem.  drugs? no problem.  No attention span? Perfect.

Ulysses enjoying the success of the streets

It’s called Power Begging: Jedi tricks that make the poop on your jeans your best asset!

Power Begging enables the 4 Hour Begging Week

Here is whatVinniesaid after I taught him Power Begging:  “I kiss the gutter each night and thank you Ulysses for your mostly guaranteed income tricks that keep me down and out — All in only 4 hours of begging a week.  Thank You for your life altering “Power Begging” techniques and your mind-blowing 4 hour Begging Week.

The 4 hour Begging Week is so simple that this guy can do it.  And it’s hardly ever illegal.  You can be homeless where ever you want.  Inner City in the Summer?  Arizona Desert in the Winter?

What’s the biggest problem with begging?  It’s boring, humiliating, full of rejection and tedious to remember what story you told last time.

But with the 4 Hour Begging Week, we lay it out for you in terms a wino can understand, and you can live on the street like the bum you really are!

Take your street skills to the next level.

Amazing! you can do this with only 4 hours of real beggingeach week! I have figured ways for you to bargain for pocket cash, overnight stays, yes, even hookers, all without real consequences on your part.  Practical things, too, even laundry tips like how to push your shopping carts through the car wash to get all your laundry done at once.

And that’s not all.

I will show you, step by step, with videos that you can see on-line at your public library.  You will be amazed at how efficient my “4 hour Begging Week” system is, and how a street bum loaded on crank could do it.

Don’t buy Yet!

Only Today: Secret bonus if you order in the next 30 seconds:  We include an amazing secret income flow for you: You automatically franchise my system and get residual income.  We can give you your own internet web page where winos all over the world can see your ads on Keno machines everywhere.

Friend, Ifyou look online you will come up with nothing, of course.  For Ulysses,  sleeping with the mermaids of the Willamette is as likely as where "there’s a lake of stew and whiskey too, at the big rock candy mountain." – Although, if he comes back in April and wants to sell me his franchise, I just might buy it!

Tarot Note:  The reading today came from the randomly drawn destination "Strength" with the motif cards: 2 of Wands (getting the word out) and the seven of swords (the trickster).    Honest.

that's all--
