St Johns Tweets

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 Follow @StJohnsJim:

Jim’s Note - If you want real brevity, I’d suggest Twitter. Here are some recent tweets from @StJohnsJim – And for my promise to make up for the lack of belly laughs, I hope you find something to like here. 

  • Your spirituality is harvested off of the fruits of your emotional garden. Tend it well. 
  • Reverend Sh*tPants is preaching on the corner: "As… was is… was were" and then he looks you in the eye.
  • Let Reality test your faith in the bible. Not the bible test your faith in reality. The Celarien, 2010
  • #GeezerTalkCant forget what you forgot till you forget it.
  • Endtimes got you down, Bunkie? Do we tell Rotwang to hit the switch labelled "bang" or "whimper"?
  • Quasimodo Productions: If you know molten lead up the butt, then you know the blues.
  • Flash! St. John’s declares itself to be an amoeba free zone!
  • North End Art Gallery, St. John’s… Word.
  • Thickest crema? Espresso Dopio at the James John Cafe. I, St. John’s Jim, have spoken.
  • The BIG fishing pond is the sea of human energy.
  • Sign on trendy downtown Portland eatery: "Tender fish eyelids in a broth of prawn antennae"
  • And what about the Early Classic: the Baa-Baa Sutras? Shepherd chonkUdonk’s 123 positions to have sex with sheep?
  • He loved the truth so much to have invented so many ways to have sex with it
  • The shanghai tunnels of Portland are still used. Today you end up as an unpaid tester for Redmond WA
  • Lost Wisdom of the Ancients, my patootie! If it was real wisdom, it would not be lost. Real wisdom sticks around because it is wise!
  • When people use the word "basically" they are basically spewing BS.
  • How did Scheherazade save herself from an insane middle eastern doom? – Tell ‘em stories! Lots. Farkle their brains!
  • Can you teach a dog to fetch an imaginary stick?
  • An unexamined mind is a hazardous place for the resident – The Celarien

that's all--
