Valkyrie On-Line

Notes from the Norse Battlefields

Per a reader’s request for a story for diary entries about a Valkyrie. I changed the "diary" idea into using on-line messaging instead; more of a challenge.

I got some background at this site –

Our heroine is Aubrun, a low-ranking wage slave in some corporate hierarchy of the afterlife. Her mid-level overlord, Skuld, feels she needs to keep thesedeath goddesseson a tight leash: “Cravers of blood, All of ‘em

The following is intended to be a real-time corporate messaging between two myth-twits (mythical tweeters) – hey, who says spiritual beings cant be on the internet.

Aubrun - Valkyrie

Harpie Junior Grade Aubrun Reports, Sir!

Skuld - Senior Valkyrie – Take no lip, give no tit

I am ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille


: – Valhalla’s waiting station, A giant hall of limbo with wooden benches for the dead.Sessrumnir

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun assignment: 11/23/09 08:30 UTC You have been re-assigned to Darfur sector 3B. report immediately

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld K

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun upon arrival you will choose souls from only the dead, not like in your last assignment.

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld but he was in a coma! That's as good as dead!

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun no, we went all over that during the inquiry. I don't know why Odin stepped in and gave you another chance, but wise up.

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld OK, I've learned my lesson. I'm not to CHOOSE any but really dead souls from the battles.

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun That's right, returns are 2 expensive in temporal and spiritual corrections that must be made.

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun Begin your reports from Darfur sector 3B immediately.

Sessrumnir makes automatic reports on arrivals and departures.


@Skuld 11/23/09 08:45 UTC 1EA soul labeled 35273 deposited to Sessrumnir input


@Skuld 11/23/09 08:51 UTC 1EA soul labeled 35985 deposited to Sessrumnir input


@Skuld 11/23/09 08:52 UTC 1EA soul labeled 37226 deposited to Sessrumnir input

Msg from: Aubrun

Sessrumnir numbers are going up fast! from 35273 to 37226 in 7 minutes! Too many dead today!

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun You know, I read that too, and you get paid. Just be happy you are still working

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld K, but it's lots of work and long hours down here as a Valkyrie.

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun You get maximum pay for your job specification. If you need, go to HR.

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld No, I'm not going to HR again: all smiles and coo-ing. Liars all.


@Skuld 11/23/09 09:11 UTC 1EA soul labeled 38177 deposited to Sessrumnir input

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld I’m at Sessrumnir processing says they have 4 souls destined for Valhalla, and want me to take them


@Skuld 11/23/09 09:35 UTC 4EA soul 35273,32338,36553,38177 to @aubrun for transit

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun Nix on the escort to Vahallah, you don't have seniority, and you are only qualified for 2 souls transport.

Msg from: Aubrun

@sessrumnir 4 souls accepted for transit to Valhala

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld Sorry, I already took all 4. I'm in transit to Valhalla, I'll check in there.


Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun Valhalla reports that you did not arrive as scheduled. U there?

Much later.

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun U there? REPORT!

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun Where are you? What have you done with those souls??

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun Odin won't save you this time, you better check in NOW.

A bit later…

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld Um. K. I'm having a little trouble. Still en-route.

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun Don't tell me you dropped a soul again! And this one was for Valhalla? Odin will be pissed.

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld No sweat, just tell him that Loki tripped me up again.

Msg from: Skuld

@Aubrun LOL! I used that excuse myself when I was still doing soul-transport. Always Works.

Msg from: Aubrun

@Skuld yes Loki ALWAYS admits to everything just to piss ODIN off! :-)

Msg from: Skuld

enjoy your afterlife, @Aubrun!

that's all--
